Nade Launcher

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Mech Weapon
Nade Launcher
Nade Launcher
Nade Launcher
Type Technological
Damage Type Explosive
Heat 6
Ammo 100
Rate of Fire 1s cycle time
Burst Length 1
Damage 60
Range 40m
Projectile Velocity 40m/s
Hard-mount Ruke
Included with Ruke
Mount Points Stomach
Cost 1
Damage per Second 60
Heat per Second 6
Damage per Heat 10
Damage per Cost 60
DPS per Cost 60

Feel it in your Gut

the Ruke Grenade launcher, the only weapon of it's kind is an especially equipped ordinance unique to the Ruke Light Stealth 'Mech, allowing for long range deployment of a relatively compact canister of RDX Compound equipped with a sturdy fixed 3-5 second fuse activated upon ejection from the tube. the barrel of the 'nade launcher can bee seen protruding from the top of the 'Mech's main chassis easily confuse-able for spine mounted gear it is considered a stomach mounted explosive weapon.


Have the nade equipped to the Ruke stomach mount slot, activated, and fire, the grenade will travel in a high ark to reach it's destination. and then detonate after a period of 3-5 seconds after launch.

Veteran notes

  • Round the Corner: Take advantage of the delay in it's detonation, the nature of the canister allows for a pilot to bounce it off of surfaces, allowing for corner shots, and indirect fire. while not considered a fast firing weapon, the 'nade launcher is still quite fast for explosive ordnance delivery easily able to close off tight quarters with rapid deployment of ordinance Especially for pilots who like to lay traps for opponents to fall into.
  • Go Long!: also take advantage of the firing ark the weapon has, if an opponent is behind cover, shoot over it. it may take some practice time, but it's well worth Using