Record of a product purchase with lindens or MCM credits.
URI : /sales/{saleID}
NOTE: While presence of a sale for a particular user-product combination is proof that that user owns that product, absence of such a sale does NOT mean that the user does not own that product. There are several ways that a user might acquire a product without a sale being recorded, including a sales update (i.e. the product was manually added to the user's account), the purchase predates the current system, they were given the product by an admin without a sales update being done (as for play-testing purposes), or a marketplace sale was made but not yet processed. Demonstrating that the product is in a user's inventory is definitive proof of ownership regardless of a lack of other records.
See also: api:SalesUpdate
Example Request
GET /sales/30210 Accept: application/hal+json -- response -- 200 OK Content-Type: application/hal+json { "_links": { "self": { "href": "\/sales\/30210" }, "curies": [ { "name": "mcm", "href": "http:\/\/wiki.mcm-systems.net\/index.php?title=api:{rel}", "templated": true } ], "mcm:delivery": { "href": "\/sales\/30210\/delivery" }, "mcm:product": { "href": "\/products\/20" } }, "saleID": "30210", "user": "Bellimora Resident", "productID": "20", "price": "382", "date": "2015-01-24", "type": "Linden" }