Anticipated Completion Schedule
A highly mobile medium tech skirmisher with an interesting weapons
Pending work on Meter r_11.65
- Mech Scripts - Complete
- Gatling Guns - Complete
- AutoCannons
- Dash - Complete
- Write Intrinsics module - Complete
- Machine Guns - Complete
- Meter r_11.65 UI improvements - Complete
- Temp Rez
- Tuning & Testing
- Playtest event
- In Progress
- Classic Critical Hits - Complete
- Module Status Indicator UI - Complete
- Refactor movement blocking / unblocking code - Pending full testing
- Add support for booting Intrinsics - Complete
- Add UI for Intrinsics - Complete
- Improved movement code - Complete
- Improved code for Scramble and Knockdown - Pending full testing
- On Hold
Module Status Indicator UI
Add an addition HUD indicator for each attachpoint that allow modules to specify an arbitrary status marker with full color control.
Some modules are better imagined as not being attachments but rather as built-in to the mech. They occupy a special slot.
Classic Critical Hits
A hit that causes over 25% of remaining HP has a change to destroy a module.
- Debug critical hits - Complete
- Adjust hit location probabilities - Complete
Hawk Gatling Gun
A rotary barreled gun that heats up as it's used slowing rate of fire until it cools.
- Heat Effects - Complete
- Status Indicator UI - Complete
- Heat tracking - Complete
Hawk Autocannon
An autocannon that can switch between armor piercing and explosive rounds
On Hold
- Magazine Switching
- Armor piecing rounds - Complete
- Explosive rounds
Hawk Dash
An Intrinsic that gives the mech a short burst of speed and a leaping jump.
UI Feedback for Intrinsics
In Progress
Scheduled for Inclusion in meter r_11.65
New Critical Hits
Allow modules to have a damage track and to be repaired Legging has gradual reduction in mobility
On hold
- New module tracking and status code - Complete
- Probability curves - Pending PhD in mathematics
- Module repair subsystem - Complete
- Module repair drop system
Freebie Utilities
A collect of utilities locked to the freebie mechs
On Hold
- A full set of heat sinks
- Coolant
- Jump jet
New web site
On Hold
- Home page
- Perks applet
- Profile page
- News
- Custom MCM wiki
- Admin control panel
- Link to product's wiki page
Mech Repair
- Rainmakers - target shooter
- Ratlers
- cycle time adjustment
- projectile speed
- Server-side rez-position compensation for deformer - Complete
- Custom deformer script - Complete
- Adjust rez-positions of all weapons - Complete
- Update weapon scripts - On Hold
- Tuning & testing
- Weapons and lasers collide
- Mortar distance too short - maybe too slow
- bunker buster grossly inaccurate