Acid Jet Cannon

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Mech Weapon
Acid Jet Cannon
Type Biological
Damage Type Acid
Heat 10
Ammo 0
Rate of Fire 2.5s cycle time
Burst Length 1
Damage 60
Hard-mount Infected Legionnaire
Included with Infected Legionnaire
Mount Points Right Arm, Left Arm
Cost 3
Damage per Second 24
Heat per Second 4
Damage per Heat 6
Damage per Cost 20
DPS per Cost 8

the mutagenic effects of throg spores converted and enhanced the legionares basic medium lazer to a more threatening high pressure stream caster of corosive acid, spewing two narrow streams of acid through the partilay converted bio metalic houseing, after the spores corosive effluent had disolved the less sturdy energy weapons components.