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Yup!  This is the user page for Bellimora. At this point in time I've not much to add that's useful, but I am using this space as a scratch pad for data that will eventually go into the wiki.
|image= [[Image:Bellimora.jpg|250px|Wiki bunny is best bunny]]
|name= Bellimora
|aliases= none
|slname= Bellimora.Resident
|position= Moderator, Scripter, Artist, Wiki-Editor

==Calculating a Centroid==
Bellimora is a member of Team JIGSAW and a part of MCM staff.

On paper this all works out, hopefully I didn't insert any errors put it to code.  Also I was just guessing that tons on the mech database is inherently integer which is why mass1 and 2 are that, having them as float would make things easier.

Bring forth the Bellimora, the bright, bold, brash, boastful, benevolent, bunny of things bouncy, and certainly not baleful, brusque, blighted, or beligerant in any state of being, but certainly a being of bountiful words beginning in B.
:vector GetCentroid(vector pos1, integer mass1, vector pos2, integer mass2) {
::vector difference = pos1-pos2;
::float distance = llVecMag(difference); //he's going for distance, he's going for speed, she's all alone...
::vector direction = llVecNorm(difference);
::float massRatio = (float)mass1/(float)(mass1+mass2);
::float cDistance = distance*massRatio;
::return direction*cDistance+pos2;

==Old Wiki Mech Lore==
==Beligerant Affairs==

The following is a dump from the old wiki, just about the only data that I can't seem to find anywhere else.
Don't worry about shooting me if you see me in the combat zone.  I'm there for a brawl and I'm not a sore looser.  However, if you get very cheesy with your mech-gear, I will have no recourse but to get cheesy back in your face.  Likely with a Trickster.  In fact if you have a history of it and you ask me to fight, I'm likely going to go straight for the Trickster or the Harlequin.

==Big Mechs==

Ever since the Mirage scout mech chassis proved incapable of supporting its once-potent arsenal of weapons without randomly detonating its fusion core, forcing the outright removal of its main gun and jump jet without any replacement weapon whatsoever, Pinto Engineering has been experimenting with new weapons and chassis reinforcements with the hope of producing a viable extended use cloaking gunboat. The result of these experiments is the new Nanus, which brings six prototype Tempest Rifles to bear on its unsuspecting opponents. While these weapons deal only moderate damage individually, they boast a rapid cooldown cycle time and are solely powered by the Nanus's micro-XL engine, allowing for long-range deployment away from friendly supply lines. The well-executed omni mounts on the Tempest rifles have already tempted some pilots of heavier mechs to bully their techs into cannibalizing the Nanus's guns to use on their "more dependable and tested" chassis.
The [[Conscript]] holds a special place in my heart as the first thing I purchased. I had to modify it into a facemelter though through the acquisition of some [[Adv Autocannon|advanced autocannons]]. I am however the most proficient with the [[Trickster]] and [[Harlequin]].  

==Build Priority==

The Ammon: Fabled from the history books of MCM, The Ammon comes from unknown origins and has struck fear into the hearts of even the most veteran of pilots. Stock the Ammon Features the Star Fire Laser(X2). A wickedly powerful Energy Weapon that's been said to melt titanium alloy on contact and vaporize mech pilots while still in their cockpits. The Ammon Also features a set of Assault Pulse Lasers to round out the armorments.
Here's my current project list highest priority first:

Legionaire MK2
===Missile Rework===

A revamp of an old school mech, the Legionaire, the Mk II version features improved LBX-2 cannons as well as improved Ultra Autocannons, both of which systems are omni-mounted. It also features pec-mounted medium extended range lasers. Its claim to fame is the hard mounted Legionnaire Melee Axe which made the original so fearsome.
This thing has a lot of sub-projects.  I don't like how the LRMs behave.  Ender doesn't like it. Nobody likes it. Also our clusters and seekers do not really behave like missiles and are lag bombs in the worst sense.  I want those things be spammable without bringing the sim to a screeching halt.

The core of the change is a new missile engine.  I can set missile handling.  I can set missile top speed.  By setting those two variables and the damage and splash radius and other goodies that go into a projectile I give these new missiles a lot more configurability.  The highest speed I can assign a missile under this system is 30m/s.  There's no way I can break this limit without moving to another system.

"It cerrrtainly lives up to its name... it's a Monsterrr." -Davion Colonel Ender Hanner, upon reviewing initial weapons test results.
Currently I'm using the these Settings:  <br>
-Clusters:  Good handling,  Mediocre speed (15m/s)<br>
-Seekers:  Mediocre Handling, Best Speed (30m/s)<br>
-LRM:  Mediocre Handling,  Best Speed (30m/s) <br>
-Blitz SRM: Good handling, Best Speed (30m/s) <br>

====Clusters Replacement====

Currently replaced the monger clusters, omnimount clusters, and gigas clusters.  The Ant clusters are next on the chopping block and then I'll have replaced all the major cluster missiles

The Trickster is a recent addition to mech stables, representing some great advancements in stability and structure. The child of Dr. Alex Highwater, the Trickster was designed to be a an Agile recon mech in the years following the initial biomech invasion. The mech makes use of an innovative control rig that reads inputs and outputs from the pilots mind, capturing inherent balance instinct, and instinctive control of the human body to control a similar frame on a far more massive scale. Dr. Highwater employed some of the latest light-weight alloys and a lot of articulation to make a sleek frame with a lot of maneuverability. That, combined with some of the most advanced gyro-stabilization available makes the Trickster perhaps the most acrobatic mech on the field. The Trickster ended up being one of the lightest medium sized mechs out there, frail too. Her light weight alloys and intricate joints do not stand up to sustained fire as well as more robustly designed mechs in the same weight category. Many pilots initially scoffed at the design, calling her an overpriced statue, saying the mech had no place in a war. Then, they watched in amazement as the mech's high powered strife jets would carry it into melee where it could deftly strike at anything nearby from any angle with twin lances, quickly dismantling any threat. And those the Trickster could not engage up close, found themselves at the business ends of a pair of shoulder mounted sniper cannons. The mech soon found respect on the field. Little would Dr. Highwater realize the horror that would be unleashed when her creations would fall into the hands of the Throg.
====LRM Rework====

Currently I have the base Omnimount LRMs rebuilt it's still in the testing phase.  Found a few interesting tricks for handling under steering I was having with missiles, will get worked into next gen seekers and it's already worked into my blitz SRMs.

With The Scourge Infestation many mechs were called into action. The agile Trickster was among them. The mech's speed and ranged utility proved a good asset against the the skirmishing abilities of the Throg's swarm. But some where overcome, and when the Throg got their hands on the new technology found in that mech, they found a great new asset to add to their own army. As Lance Commander Howard Tanner later recalled the first known encounter with a Harliquin:
Once I finish that the Hwacha and trebuchet will be next on the chopping blockThe trebuchet at least should be easy. Other mechs will be attacked as needed. In all honesty I look forward to playing with a Hwacha with updated missiles.
“Was probably one of the more horrifying moments I had facing the Throg. We had a Trickster pilot, Alice, who had gone MIA a few missions back. We were moving through some blasted out city when we saw the distinct outline of a Trickster up on the rooftop. We thought it was Alice at first, figured she'd somehow had held on all this time. We tried hailing her, that's when the quill shots started coming. We returned fire and that's when it lunged off the building top streaming those strange purple vapor trails, we saw the gleam of buzz and a claw seemingly haphazardly stuck to arms with that bio-matter meat stuck to it and we knew something had gone horribly wrong. Damn thing ripped through half my lance before we put it down including an assault mech at close range. Finally, the Lakota just unloaded with everything. I was as rocked by those darn missiles as the other mech was, but my armor held out, her's didn't: blown to pieces. When we checked the wreckage there was no mistaking it, hidden under meat was the markings of Alice's mech. Dunno what happened to the poor girl, but those bastard Throg, what a mess. It was like watching some nightmarish carnival performance as that thing danced through my mechs slashing claw and blade, like a clown a carnage, a harlequin of horror.”

====Blitz SRMs====

The Mantis is a low profile Mech custom designed for infiltration and stealth combat. With little in the way of protection, the Mantis is not intended to engage in direct confrontation, but rather use its hard-mounted sniper cannons to take down enemy mechs from some distance away. The attention to detail using light fabricated alloys makes it one of the few balanced armor light mechs on the field. It's weaknesses are covered by it's powerful cannons which are capable of pinpoint accuracy and deal a great amount of damage with precision designed to strike enemies from great distances, they are difficult to manage close range. Primary load-outs for the Mantis do not call for additional weapons, leaving it extremely vulnerable if a mech is capable of closing distance with it. While this makes it a difficult mech to pilot in single combat, as a support mech for a full battle deployment it is invaluable.
This came from a bit of a thought experiment when I was toying with a new locking system and a real short range seeking missile and something mentioned to me about single shot short range missile systems like the Streak SRM from battletech. The result was the Blitz SRM system. It uses an invisible beam to acquire lock and fire missiles instantly, but only if there's a lock.  It's a real narrow beam so you got to be accurate to get that initial lock, but once you get it, you'll unload some high speed high accuracy missiles.
Credit to Kalel Mommsen and Sarah Teplicki

===Ammo/Health Pod rework===

A light, versatile mech that comes fully equipped with 2 clan pulse lasers, a shield, a jump jet, and a pile bunker (knock down weapon). This mech has class d armor and is fast. It promises to pack a punch for a low armor cost. Perfect for clan matches :)
Started as a project to make the ammo pods less spammy and make it a little harder to reload on the fly.  These new ammo pods wait 5 seconds after someone gets in range and then attempt to reload that person once.  No repeat reload attempts. These things also drop from above and can get caught on geometry above them. So deploying in tunnels would be a no go with this.

===Laser Rework===

The Cerberus was designed though careful consultation with the Draconis Combine faction after their successful defense of Terra to win MCM Season 3. Its eclectic combination of weaponry is a result of the Combine pilots being completely unable to decide between an assault warp melee mech and an improved hover bomber mech. In fact, deep cover ROM agents report that the only thing the DCMS pilots could agree on was the need for "a big freakin' laser beam strapped to its head."
Nash made a wonderful new raycast laser system.  If we get these lasers crammed into other mechs it will cut down on lag.  One mech firing full salvos isn't so bad.  When you have ALL THE MECHS doing it several times over it adds up.  Our lasers are physics enabled rings.  This is the sort of stuff griefers use to overload the physics in other sims. Our raycasted lasers have all physics disabled on them.  The only server strain is the multiple raycasts we throw out to give our beam a width.  As soon as we get an update system going I'm going to start splicing this into our omnimounts at least. That will cut down a lot of the problem right off the bat.

Shock Trooper MK II
===New Trooper===

In the MCM universe, ShockTrooperMKII refers to both the technologically advanced power armor. All Clan battle armor is protected by thick armor, internal shock cushions, and a black gelatin-like substance known as HarJel. HarJel seals breaches in the armor as well as controlling bleeding of the pilot inside. It is also equipped with a MedPack that dispenses drugs to the warrior to control pain and shock and allow him to keep fighting. Many types of suits are fitted with jump jets-thrusters that allow powered leaps of up to 90 meters.
The I've a partially complete trooper that uses micro-mesh avatars. Core thing that kept this from being released is Rivet and I want to make more weapons for it so you can choose.
The ShockTrooper (and eventually the evolution to the MKII) was designed as a scout and harrassment unit. Being considerably smaller than the traditional Mech, the ShockTrooper could easily escape notice in any enviroment. That being said, it does not mean that the ShockTrooper does not have the ability to defend itself! Many a pilot has been caught off guard by the speed, tenacity, and the punch that the ShockTrooper packs. <br>
Traditionally the ShockTrooper is formed into a 5 unit grouping called a "Star". Together the 5 members of the star can quickly overcome any mech on the field up to and including an assault mech. Using their claws, that can penetrate the hardened armor of any mech, they quickly climb to the vulnerable area's of a mech, rip off a plate, and plant charges inside of the mech to destroy it from the inside out. Once their damage is done the pilots would jumpjet off of the now/soon to be destroyed mech and begin their search of another target.
ShockTroopers are usually transported to a battlefield on the hulls of mechs. Clinging to the sides of their larger cousins, the ShockTroopers are quickly dispersed through out the combat site before the opponents even know what is going on. Thus giving the ShockTroopers an immense edge in surprise.<br>
However, the Inner Sphere sections began their own productions of the ShockTrooper after encountering them for the first time in the Clan invasion of the Inner Sphere. The soldiers of the Inner Sphere, having not been "vat grown" like the soldiers of the Clans, were not able to pilot the captured ShockTrooper suits from the field. Instead, Inner Sphere technicians, scientists, and engineers took the information they learned from the captured suits and soon began to manufacture their own concepts. Various battle suits began to take shape all with the newly modified size's to fit Inner Sphere soldiers instead of the gigantic Clan soldiers.<br>
Note: Some still claim that the battle suits worn by the Clans are still far superior to what the Inner Sphere has been able to come up with to date.  

===Pathfinder Bot===

A tribal name for a mech that is certainly a warrior. The lakota is a speicalized mech superbly suited for hunting air targets. Said to be the flying mechs arch enemy the lakota features. Two Seeker Missile Launchers. Seeker missiles are attacked to the heat from jumpjets or other heat generating sources. The will track at very high speed almost impossible to dodge. The lakota also features 2 chain guns and ER scatter beams. Both also very suited for annoying buzzer mechs.
I had worked out a pathfinding bot with a rudimentary AI. It needs to be reworked to use less memory before I can hope to deploy it.
Little Foot
Named ironicly for it's oversized walking pads, however almost NOTHING on this mech is little. This mech will strike fear in the hearts of other pilots as if it was forged in the fires of hades. It's main armorment is a L.A.R.T Launcher. I sadistic bomb of flamable liquid that will create a large area effect of +40 heat per second over 30x30 meters. Enough to overheat even the most heat consious pilots in a few seconds. It rounds out it's tactics with HailFire Missiles, Tac Rifle, and Gat Las
Medium mech with heavy armor and +10% native resistance to explosive. The Warhound get's its name from hit's solid perfomance in combat and ability to take a punch and keep coming. Comes stock with a balistic Pulse Rifle and Plasma Blase Cannon that does both energy and explosive damage.
Envisioned as a more durable sniper mech than the venerable Mantis, the Phalanx incorporates a single large-bore sniper cannon that deals 20% more damage than the Mantis's, and it mounts 20% more armor as well. It supplements that with an orbital bombardment designator, which will signal a friendly nearby Warship to fire a salvo of light naval autocannons onto the designated position. An anti-missile system rounds out its standard complement, further enhancing its survivability in the field.

Latest revision as of 09:23, 13 April 2014

MCM Staff
Wiki bunny is best bunny
Other Aliases none
SL Name Bellimora.Resident
Position Moderator, Scripter, Artist, Wiki-Editor

Bellimora is a member of Team JIGSAW and a part of MCM staff.


Bring forth the Bellimora, the bright, bold, brash, boastful, benevolent, bunny of things bouncy, and certainly not baleful, brusque, blighted, or beligerant in any state of being, but certainly a being of bountiful words beginning in B.

Beligerant Affairs

Don't worry about shooting me if you see me in the combat zone. I'm there for a brawl and I'm not a sore looser. However, if you get very cheesy with your mech-gear, I will have no recourse but to get cheesy back in your face. Likely with a Trickster. In fact if you have a history of it and you ask me to fight, I'm likely going to go straight for the Trickster or the Harlequin.

Big Mechs

The Conscript holds a special place in my heart as the first thing I purchased. I had to modify it into a facemelter though through the acquisition of some advanced autocannons. I am however the most proficient with the Trickster and Harlequin.

Build Priority

Here's my current project list highest priority first:

Missile Rework

This thing has a lot of sub-projects. I don't like how the LRMs behave. Ender doesn't like it. Nobody likes it. Also our clusters and seekers do not really behave like missiles and are lag bombs in the worst sense. I want those things be spammable without bringing the sim to a screeching halt.

The core of the change is a new missile engine. I can set missile handling. I can set missile top speed. By setting those two variables and the damage and splash radius and other goodies that go into a projectile I give these new missiles a lot more configurability. The highest speed I can assign a missile under this system is 30m/s. There's no way I can break this limit without moving to another system.

Currently I'm using the these Settings:
-Clusters: Good handling, Mediocre speed (15m/s)
-Seekers: Mediocre Handling, Best Speed (30m/s)
-LRM: Mediocre Handling, Best Speed (30m/s)
-Blitz SRM: Good handling, Best Speed (30m/s)

Clusters Replacement

Currently replaced the monger clusters, omnimount clusters, and gigas clusters. The Ant clusters are next on the chopping block and then I'll have replaced all the major cluster missiles

LRM Rework

Currently I have the base Omnimount LRMs rebuilt it's still in the testing phase. Found a few interesting tricks for handling under steering I was having with missiles, will get worked into next gen seekers and it's already worked into my blitz SRMs.

Once I finish that the Hwacha and trebuchet will be next on the chopping block. The trebuchet at least should be easy. Other mechs will be attacked as needed. In all honesty I look forward to playing with a Hwacha with updated missiles.

Blitz SRMs

This came from a bit of a thought experiment when I was toying with a new locking system and a real short range seeking missile and something mentioned to me about single shot short range missile systems like the Streak SRM from battletech. The result was the Blitz SRM system. It uses an invisible beam to acquire lock and fire missiles instantly, but only if there's a lock. It's a real narrow beam so you got to be accurate to get that initial lock, but once you get it, you'll unload some high speed high accuracy missiles.

Ammo/Health Pod rework

Started as a project to make the ammo pods less spammy and make it a little harder to reload on the fly. These new ammo pods wait 5 seconds after someone gets in range and then attempt to reload that person once. No repeat reload attempts. These things also drop from above and can get caught on geometry above them. So deploying in tunnels would be a no go with this.

Laser Rework

Nash made a wonderful new raycast laser system. If we get these lasers crammed into other mechs it will cut down on lag. One mech firing full salvos isn't so bad. When you have ALL THE MECHS doing it several times over it adds up. Our lasers are physics enabled rings. This is the sort of stuff griefers use to overload the physics in other sims. Our raycasted lasers have all physics disabled on them. The only server strain is the multiple raycasts we throw out to give our beam a width. As soon as we get an update system going I'm going to start splicing this into our omnimounts at least. That will cut down a lot of the problem right off the bat.

New Trooper

The I've a partially complete trooper that uses micro-mesh avatars. Core thing that kept this from being released is Rivet and I want to make more weapons for it so you can choose.

Pathfinder Bot

I had worked out a pathfinding bot with a rudimentary AI. It needs to be reworked to use less memory before I can hope to deploy it.