Trickster Melee

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Mech Weapon
Trickster Melee
Type Technological
Damage Type {{{damagetype}}}
Heat 3
Ammo 0
Rate of Fire 1s cycle time
Burst Length 1
Damage 20
Hard-mount Trickster
Included with None
Mount Points Right Arm, Left Arm
Cost 1
Damage per Second 20
Heat per Second 3
Damage per Heat 6.67
Damage per Cost 20
DPS per Cost 20

The Star Lance melee system is an integrated component of the Trickster for close combat.


The Star Lance is designed to be a light weight melee instrument for the trickster. Unlike some energy based meleee weapons that sustain a cutting edge, the trickster's Star Lance focuses a high energy burst on impact with the tip for a brief moment. This helps soften and weaken the armor enough for the trickster to penetrate int as it continues the stabbing stroke. The body of the weapon is reinforce with light weight alloys and functions well as a striking instrument as well as a stabbing one.


This is a 360 degree melee weapon. All one needs to do is be in immediate proximity to their target and press fire and the target will take damage. As with all melee weapons the refire and heat are not incurred until it hits. So you can rapidly press attack to flail a pile of instant no-heat attacks until you connect, at which point the refire kicks in on the lances and it will be a brief moment until you can hit again. This makes fly-by attacks easy.

Other Notes

While these lances are not the most impressive melee instrument, they are rather low cost. It's best to abuse the 360 degree arc by running circles around your foe while flailing. This makes you hard to hit while simultaneously dangerous.