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Technological Mech
Be it snow or heat the Trickster is ready.
Class Medium
Weight 40 tons
Armor 780
Heat Dissipation 7
Speed 2
Buoyancy 0.3
Jump Heat 10
Load-points 19
Hard-locked No
Hard-mounts Trickster Melee X2, Trickster Sniper Cannon X2, Strife Jet HardMount
Omni-mounts none
Shutdown Level 100
Ball 0% Ener 0% Expl 0%
Acid 0% Chem 0% Sonic 0%
DoT 0% Electronics 0% Melee 0%
Creator BonBun Paperdoll

The Trickster is a gynoid styled mecha that mixes melee and ranged in a high speed package.


The Trickster is a recent addition to mech stables, representing some great advancements in stability and structure. The child of Dr. Alex Highwater, the Trickster was designed to be a an Agile recon mech in the years following the initial biomech invasion. The mech makes use of an innovative control rig that reads inputs and outputs from the pilots mind, capturing inherent balance instinct, and instinctive control of the human body to control a similar frame on a far more massive scale. Dr. Highwater employed some of the latest light-weight alloys and a lot of articulation to make a sleek frame with a lot of maneuverability. That, combined with some of the most advanced gyro-stabilization available makes the Trickster perhaps the most acrobatic mech on the field. The Trickster ended up being one of the lightest medium sized mechs out there, frail too. Her light weight alloys and intricate joints do not stand up to sustained fire as well as more robustly designed mechs in the same weight category. Many pilots initially scoffed at the design, calling her an overpriced statue, saying the mech had no place in a war. Then, they watched in amazement as the mech's high powered strife jets would carry it into melee where it could deftly strike at anything nearby from any angle with twin lances, quickly dismantling any threat. And those the Trickster could not engage up close, found themselves at the business ends of a pair of shoulder mounted sniper cannons. The mech soon found respect on the field. Little would Dr. Highwater realize the horror that would be unleashed when her creations would fall into the hands of the Throg.


The Trickster is a nimble looking mech styled after the female form, with an armor plates that are shaped into organic curves creating a look of a mech that is far less blocky and more human-like then most MCM assault vehicles. It's hardmount loadout includes a pair of melee lances, a strife jet, and a pair of shoulder mounted long range projectile weapons. The mech has low armor and mediocre loadpoints. Combined with the Strife-jet this mech is designed to be a skirmishing unit.

Other notes

Putting Glide Wings on the Trickster allows it to soar when you use the strife-jet, making it easy to stay airborne for long periods of time. Using the jet without jumping causes the trickster to move at real high speeds while in the air, allowing for one seriously hard to hit opponent.

If you wish to focus on melee, switching the lances to a more serious melee armament, like the scythe, is adviseable. The shoulder snipers can be real hard to use when moving at high speeds, so switching to a less accurate weapon or something guided might help you focus a better assault in this mech. The Hail Missiles that the White Noise pack make a great pec mount for this mech. Strife Jet assisted dive-bombing manuevers work nicely with anything that's gravity affected.
