Legionnaire JumpJet

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Mech Utility
Basic Jump Jet
Type Technological
Fuel 100
Fuel Use 1
Recharge Rate 2
Hard-mount Paladin, Fox, Legionnaire, Mudkip, Flea, Underbite
Included with Legionnaire
Mount Point(s) Spine
Cost 2

The JumpJet is a movement enhancing utility that allows mechs to get to higher ground more easily. The Legionnaire has a hard mounted version that mimics the stats of the omnimount JumpJet.


To use a jumpjet have it equipped and active. Press jump to ascend. Release it to descend. The fuel regenerates when the jumpjet is not in use.

Other Notes

This has more thrust but slower regeneration compared to the Enhanced JumpJet. The higher your mechs buoyancy rating, the more easy it is to get it airborne.

Not all mechs are able to boost at the same rates: Large mechs = more thrust needed to get any kind of height, Light mechs = more height with less thrust