Blight Blossom

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Mech Weapon
Blight Blossom
Weaponized flora: The Blight Blossom
Type Biological
Damage Type Sonic
Heat 10
Ammo 30
Rate of Fire 2s cycle time
Burst Length 8
Damage 13
Hard-mount none
Included with None
Mount Points Spine
Cost 9
Damage per Second 52
Heat per Second 5
Damage per Heat 10.4
Damage per Cost 11.56
DPS per Cost 5.78

The Blight Blossom is an area denial weapon for Biomechs.


Discovered in a hostile jungle world, these fecund fleshy blossoms spread virulent, fierce and highly potent spores that etch and erode, breaking down flesh and metal alike to set down roots. Initially its victims, the Throg soon learned that the mature flower emits a unique pheromone that protects itself, and whatever it's rooted in, from its sporelings. Recognizing the potential in this, the Throg assimilated and adapted these deadly blooms as a baneful weapon of war.


The Blight blossom is used like most weapons, you arm it, and press fire to release a set of spore pods. The pods scatter out randomly and after a couple seconds detonate. The spore clouds won't damage you, but they will damage anything else in the area.

Other Notes

Multiple clouds in the same area stack up for greater damage. Spamming this weapon in tight quarters can lead to a nightmare. When the pods will roll down inclines and carry your momentum when released. Clever use of momentum and terrain can hurl spore fields further distances then normal.

Against melee this can be used as a deterrent by getting into tight quarters and releasing a large amount of spore clouds. It's a bit harder to use this weapon out in the open since your victims have more places to flee.

The initial POMF of this weapon is a sonic hit for any mech tripping over it. Subsequent attacks are chemical based.