Adv Autocannon

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Mech Weapon
Adv Autocannon
Type Technological
Damage Type Ballistic
Heat 6
Ammo 264
Rate of Fire 0.5s cycle time
Burst Length 4
Damage 12
Range 810m
Projectile Velocity 90m/s
Hard-mount none
Included with Revenge
Mount Points Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Arm
Cost 6
Damage per Second 96
Heat per Second 12
Damage per Heat 8
Damage per Cost 8
DPS per Cost 16

The Adv Autocanon fires a rapid burst of 4 shots in a quick succession and continues to do so for as long as you hold down the trigger. The shots will drop slightly over long distance so you may have to aim slightly high to land hits at range. It has sensor based splash damage that will not register hits against the firing mech. So you can shoot at the ground under your feet and not hit yourself.