ArcAngel Jet

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Mech Utility
Type Technological
Fuel 100
Fuel Use 1
Recharge Rate 5
Hard-mount ArcAngel
Included with -
Mount Point(s) Spine
Cost 2

The ArcAngel comes with a specialized Jumpjet that features improved fuel recharge.


Like the jumpjet one merely makes sure the utility is enabled and presses jump to move upwards at the cost of fuel.

Other Notes

The high recharge rate of this jet combined with the ArcAngel's exceedingly high buoyancy allows it to stay airborne indefinitely in the hands of a proficient pilot. As with any other Jumpjet type conveyance, dropping off a ledge and moving forward allows for much higher speeds of travel at the expense of more difficulty gaining altitude. This allows you to get between points quickly but a pilot can exhaust their fuel much more rapidly trying to stay aloft in this state.